Town to Town Taxi

InterCity Taxi in Ukraine

Ukraine Transfer Group as a national taxi operator in Ukraine offers Town to Town Taxi Service since 1998. Because of poor public passenger transport in Ukraine it is pretty difficult for even local people to get to another city, and the smaller the city is – the more difficult it is to get there.

Even thought public transport is getting more expensive with every month you can forget about any comfort when travelling by public bus or train from one city to another. You’ll also require a myriad of precisely detailed instructions on how, where, and when it is possible to purchase tickets for public transport.

Advantages of using intercity taxi service:


To find out specific price of taxi service between cities in Ukraine please visit our InterCity Taxi page, or feel free to contact us anytime in the most convenient way for you.


Book roundtrip intercity taxi RIGHT NOW and receive a DISCOUNT on your trip back!